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Take Action

Take Action: In Your Home
HBBF’s studies have found toxic heavy metals like lead and arsenic in nearly all baby foods tested, and also in tap water from nearly every home tested — but we have also found solutions for parents.
Because these contaminants are found in 94% of homemade and store-bought baby foods and the government hasn’t set safety standards for many popular foods, HBBF provides easy ways for parents to reduce toxic metals in your baby or toddler’s diet.
Some of the keys to a healthy menu for babies are: serving a healthy variety of foods, swapping contaminated foods for safer picks, and following our data-based “40 Baby Foods Menu” as you meal plan, grocery shop, and cook dinners.
The 40 Baby Foods Guide

HBBF found lead in tap water from 80% of homes tested across the country. Half of those homes have lead levels above the American Academy of Pediatrics’ recommended limit for children.
While food and drinking water are often top sources of exposures to neurotoxins, they aren’t the only source. Cumulative early life exposures to toxic chemicals—from food, water, air, and consumer products—can contribute to autism, IQ loss, learning or behavioral problems, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and speech or cognitive delays.
See our simple steps for testing your water and reducing lead levels, especially if you use that water to make infant formula.