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8 simple ways
Guides & Toolkits
8 Simple Ways to Protect Your Family from Arsenic in Rice and Other Foods
We tested 105 infant cereals and found six times more arsenic in rice cereal than in other types of infant cereal. Our guide helps parents navigate the grocery store aisles.
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Two Page Summary
Data & Research
Two Page Summary (Spanish)
Una encuesta nacional sobre contaminación con arsénico en 105 cereales de las marcas principales. Incluyendo las mejores selecciones para padres de familia, fabricantes y minoristas en búsqueda de opciones saludables para los infantes.
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Exec Summary Spanish
Data & Research
Executive Summary (Spanish)
Una investigación a nivel nacional descubrió que el 95% de las comidas de bebés analizadas contienen químicos tóxicos, incluyendo arsénico y plomo, que bajan el coeficiente intelectual de los bebés
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Store VS Homemade
Data & Research
Report: Is Homemade Baby Food Better?
Our new investigation compared toxic heavy metal contamination in homemade versus store-bought foods for babies.
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Baby Eating
For Parents
5 Safer Baby Foods - Parent Tip Sheets
Baby Foods with Arsenic and Lead— and Safer Choices. Tip sheets are available in English and in Spanish.
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Baby Eating
Data & Research
Report: What's In My Baby's Food?
Our investigation found 95% of baby foods tested contain toxic chemicals that lower babies’ IQ, including arsenic and lead.
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crop city
Case Studies
Healthy Babies Initiative RFP | Due May 20
We invite concise proposals from US cities to apply for a $20,000 grant for projects that equitably reduce air pollution, lead, or other neurotoxic exposures that harm children’s brain development, have resilience co-benefits, and leverage bipartisan infrastructure law (BIL) funds when possible.
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Case Studies
Quantifying Impact in Providence, RI: Bright Cities Case Study
In tandem with community-led and citywide initiatives, Providence staff were determined to lead by example in city-owned schools and facilities. They embarked on an internal audit to determine what actions the city could take to reduce pollution and foster healthy green spaces.
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lead in water cover
For Parents
10 Steps to Make Your Tap Water Baby-Safe
Nearly 80% of homes have lead in their tap water. Learn how to remove lead and make your water safer to consume.
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fact sheet cover page
For Parents
5 comidas con arsénico y plomo para bebés; y alternativas más seguras
Estos cinco alimentos para bebés contienen arsénico y plomo. Conozca las mejores opciones que puede tomar cuando se trata de alimentar a su hijo.
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fact sheet cover page
For Parents
5 Baby Foods with Arsenic and Lead – and Safer Choices
These five baby foods have arsenic and lead. Learn about the better choices you can make when it comes to feeding your child.
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Case study cover page
Case Studies
Nap Mat Replacement (San Francisco, CA): Bright Cities Case Study
Learn how the city of San Francisco is keeping children safe by ridding spaces from toxic chemicals and training childcare providers on how to reduce toxic chemical exposures.